14 July, 2008

Importance of deadlines

Deadlines make your goals become reality.

31 May, 2008

Parallelizing program: chdir - fork() vs threads

When you are parallelizing your program and your parallel tasks require to change directory (chdir()) then use fork() instead of threads (OR you would need to maintain locks in case of threads and might need to sacrifice some amount of parallelization). The current working directory is maintained per process and not per thread.

22 April, 2008

Tabbed browsing

Do not misuse tabbed browsing. [You can probably waste bandwidth if you just open a bunch of links and never read those. This generally happens when you do a Google search and just keep opening too many search result links without looking at those you have already opened.]

24 February, 2008

Hope[less] strategy

Hope is not a strategy.