15 December, 2007

Idea to generate Ideas

In case you are short of ideas, try idea generator.

13 December, 2007

If something doesn't work

If something doesn't work for you, you're probably doing it wrong.

03 December, 2007

The difference

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

BTW, yesterday I walked from Atta Market, Noida to Mayur Vihar phase I extension, New Delhi (Distance: 5Kms, Time: 1hr) :)

27 October, 2007

Eight principles

The eight irresistible principles of fun: http://www.eightprinciples.com/

21 October, 2007

Law of Industry?

My first Industry experience: You need to ask many questions to your juniors and answer many questions of your superiors. It's fun.

30 August, 2007


Try to avoid use of relative terms like good, new etc. At some point, these terms doesn't make (right) sense, e.g. in longer run. These terms can make sense if used with proper relative base.

22 August, 2007

Two kinds

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there. -- Indira Gandi

13 August, 2007

Free software stickers


12 August, 2007

Editing wiki(pedia) pages is fun

If you haven't started yet, my suggestion is: start editing page related to your hometown and you will get started.

10 August, 2007

1 = -1

1 = sqrt 1 = sqrt (-1 * -1) = sqrt -1 * sqrt -1 = (sqrt -1) ^ 2 = -1

03 July, 2007

Found many new Delhis

Go, figure it out yourself - Delhi disambiguation

18 June, 2007

Learned - when I am not learning

If Sahaj understand what he is doing, he is not learning anything.

05 June, 2007


Oh, I didn't know that Skype is now available for debian too.

02 June, 2007

I bought something

I bought something. Something I wanted. Wanted to write. Write to solve. Solve to enjoy & earn. Earn to buy something.

27 May, 2007

conf file

Using conf is not confUsing.

25 May, 2007

I sed it

echo "Not so easy to understand? Execute it." | sed -e's/[N,e,s,?]//g' -e's/o/H/' -e's/t/a/' -e's/ /p/g' -e's/[o]//g' -e's/ayp/y /' -e's/pun/irt/g' -e's/t/B/' -e's/drt/hda/' -e's/and/y, /' -e's/pExcutp/Am/'

18 May, 2007

Formed a new term "Olb"

Olb means one line blog. Olbbing means writing one liner blogs.


2>&1 means "send standard error (file descriptor 2) to the same place standard output (file descriptor 1) is going."

Woman and clothing

Clothing plays significant role in woman's looks.

17 May, 2007

Life and death

Life is learning, death is exam.

12 February, 2007